1). NAME:The name of the association is The St. Helier – Bad Wurzach Partnerschaft committee

2). OBJECTS: The objects of the association are as follows:

  • To raise public awareness of the twinning between St. Helier and Bad Wurzach.
  • To promote cultural, historical and social links between the two towns.

3). MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to all whom hold these objects dear

4).SUBSCRIPTION: There will be no annual subscription.

5).OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE: The officers of the Association will be: chairman, honorary secretary, honorary treasurer. The executive committee will be the officers together with as many ordinary members as shall be decided from time to time. Nominations for all officers and committee may be forwarded in writing to the honorary secretary prior to the annual general meeting but will be accepted verbally from the floor at such a meeting. The election shall be by ballot at such a meeting.

6). PRESIDENT: The Constable of the Parish of St Helier will be the President ex-officio of the St Helier-Bad Wurzach Partnerschaft.

7). ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The annual general meeting shall be held not later than the last day of May of each year.

8). FINANCIAL YEAR: The financial year of the Association shall end on the last day of April of each year.

9). SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS: Special general meetings may be convened by the chairman or by a requisition signed by six members or more, stating the object for which the meeting is required.

10). QUORUM: An attendance of any number of the officers and committee plus an equal number of ordinary members plus one shall constitute a quorum at all general meetings. The decision of the majority of all members present and voting, shall be binding on all the members.

11). SPOKESMAN: In all dealings with the media the chairman shall act as the association’s spokesman or in his absence another spokesman nominated by him or the other officers.

12). CHAIRMAN: The chairman shall preside at all meetings, or in his absence the honorary treasurer. In the event of both being absent the meeting shall nominate a chairman. The chairman of any meeting shall have the casting vote only.

13). HONORARY TREASURER: The honorary treasurer shall keep a record of all financial transactions and submit an annual report to the committee at the Annual General Meeting.

14). AUDITORS: The Procurers du Bien Public of the Parish of St. Helier shall act as honorary auditors.

15). HONORARY SECRETARY: The honorary secretary shall maintain a membership list, keep minutes of all meetings, and a record of all members attending, attend to all correspondence and send convening notices to all members.

16). ALTERATION TO RULES: These rules may not be altered or amended except at a special general meeting called for that purpose. Proposed additions of amendments shall be submitted in writing to the secretary not less than three weeks prior to a general meeting. Proposed amendments shall be circulated to all members at least seven days before the special general meeting.

17): DISSOLUTION OF ASSOCIATION: The dissolution of the association shall only take place at a special general meeting called for that purpose and then only on the vote of two thirds of those members present. The treasurer shall be responsible for settling all accounts and after certification of the accounts by the auditors shall dispose of the residue of funds in accordance with the wishes of the meeting.